

Architecture Description Language Based on π-Calculus for Autonomous Systems
摘要 自治系统(Autonomous Systems)具有复杂的动态结构和行为特性,其典型代表就是各类军事作战系统。针对当前各种自治系统架构描述方法存在的局限,建立了自治系统架构的概念模型框架,并提出了一种描述该模型框架的形式化架构描述语言AS-ADL。AS-ADL以高阶多型π演算作为系统行为语义基础,具有丰富的数据类型,可以形式化描述自治系统的动态行为,且具有描述自治元素内部的交互行为的能力,为建立可执行的系统架构模型奠定了基础,并为系统模型求精和模型有效性验证提供支持。 Autonomous Systems have complex behavior and dynamic structure, such as military operation systems. To solve the problem of agent model language and traditional Architecture Description Language in describing the architecture of Autonomous Systems, a new formal Autonomous Systems ADL (AS-ADL) was proposed to describe the model framework of Autonomous Systems which was established at the beginning. AS-ADL, whose behavior semantics is π-Calculus has various data types. It can be used to formally describe not only the dynamic behavior of systems but also the internal inaction of autonomous elements. AS-ADL, as a formal architecture language, supports extraction and validation of system models.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第13期3946-3950,共5页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 自治系统 系统架构描述语言 Π演算 动态行为 Autonomous Systems Architecture Description Language n-Calculus dynamic behavior
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