
XML数据集成平台的研究与应用 被引量:9

Research and application of XML-based data integration platform
摘要 为了提供访问异构数据源的统一接口,使开发人员不必考虑数据模型的异构性、数据抽取、数据合成等问题,设计了一个基于XML技术的数据集成平台,采用XML作为数据模型以统一的方式查询异构数据源,并将其应用到了防汛决策支持系统的开发中。实验结果表明,用XML作为数据集成模型和XQuery处理技术相结合可有效的解决数据源的差异性问题,提高集成平台的可扩展性。 To provide the uniform interface for heterogeneous data source access, and avoid the developers' consideration for the heterogeneity of data model, data abstraction and data integration, this XML-based data integration platform is designed, which provides an uniform matter to query heterogeneous data source by using XML as the data model, and this platform is used in flood decision support system. The experiment showed that the solution, which is using XML as a data integration model by combining XQuery technology, solve the heterogeneity data source problem efficiently, and the flexibility of integration platform is enhanced.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第13期3212-3215,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 异构数据 平台 模式 转换 集成 heterogeneous data platform schema transformation integration
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