研究结果表明:(1)甘蓝型油菜核不育系9012A不同于显性上位互作核不育,是一种新的基因互作核不育类型,其不育性受2对隐性重叠不育基因和1对隐性上位抑制基因互作控制,当隐性上位基因纯合时,对隐性不育基因起上位抑制作用。(2)在甘蓝型油菜中存在至少2套独立的不同隐性重叠不育基因,隐性上位基因与不同的隐性重叠不育基因之间的互作是非专一性的,这对于现有双基因隐性核不育杂种优势利用具有重要意义。 隐性上位互作核不育完全保持系的分离解决了传统隐性核不育杂种优势利用难点,为隐性核不育杂种优势利用开辟了新途径。这类核不育不仅在杂优育种实践中具有较高的开发利用价值,同时也是研究植物细胞核雄性不育机理的理想材料。
The findings of genetic studies revealed: ① The genie male sterile(GMS) line
9012A discovered in breeding line 9012(B. napus L. ), is a new GMS type with gene interac
tions and is different from dominant GMS discovered by Li S. et al.[4], Its fertility is controlled
by two pairs of recessive duplicate sterile genes (RDSG) (here designated as ms1 and ms2) inter
acting with one pair of recessive epistatic inhibitor genes (REIG) (here designated as rf). Ho-
mozyous rf(rfrf) inhibits the expression of homozyous ms1 and ms2(ms1ms1ms2ms2). Thus, the
plants with ms1ms1ms2ms2Rf_ are male sterile while the plants with ms1ms1ms2ms2rfrf male fer
tile. ② There are at least two sites of independent RDSG in B. napus L. . The interaction be
tween REIG and RDSG is of non-specificity, which is very advantageous for the utilization of
double genes recessive GMS hybrids.
The obtainment of all maintainers for RGMS overcomes the difficulty of utilization of RGMS
hybrids and creates a new way of utilizing heterosis of RGMS. The value of 9012A is very high
in the studies on heterosis breeding and the mechanism of male sterility.
Acta Agronomica Sinica