

Analysis of consumer’s supermarket utilization structure based on different point of time
摘要 通过对消费者不同时点的超市利用构造调查,运用结构方程分析法,对消费者不同时点的超市利用构造进行了对比分析,探寻消费者在利用超市购物时,价值取向在不同时点的变化。分析发现,消费者的价值取向随着环境的变化而改变,消费者的店铺利用构造已从原来单纯的价格重视转向多种价值观共存。 The paper tries to make a comparative analysis of consumer's supermarket utilization structure in different point of time by using the investigation results of consumer's supermarket utilization structure in different point of time and the method of covariance structure analysis, and tries to explore the changes of consumers' value orientation on different point of time when the consumers go shopping at supermarket. Through the analysis, it finds that the consumers' value orientation will be changed by the changing of environment,and the consumer's store utilization structure has been changed from the original price focused to multi-value views coexistence.
作者 李继承 于智
出处 《科技与管理》 CSSCI 2009年第4期118-122,共5页 Science-Technology and Management
关键词 超市 零售业 顾客满意 结构方程分析 supermarket retail customer satisfaction covariance structure analysis
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