
镍基合金C276高温拉伸力学性能的试验分析 被引量:14

High Temperature Tensile Properties of Nickel Based Alloy C276
摘要 在500-650℃高温条件下对镍基合金C276进行了拉伸力学试验.为了准确分析该材料的力学性能,采用真实应力、应变对试验数据进行了处理,分析了温度对弹性模量、屈服应力、断裂强度以及延伸率的影响,给出了该材料在真实应力、应变下各温度的应力-应变硬化系数,以及屈服强度和断裂应力随温度变化的关系曲线.结果表明:镍基合金C276在高温下具有屈服流变现象和良好的塑性. High temperature tensile tests were carried out for Ni-based alloy C276 at 500-650℃. True stress-strain curves based on test data were used to study mechanical properties of the material, while the influence of temperature on the material's elastic modulus, yield stress, ultimate rupture strength and elongation analyzed, and true stress-strain work hardening rate under various temperature conditions as well as curves of both yield strength and ultimate rupture strength varying with temperature presented. Results show that Ni-based alloy C276 has yield stress flow behavior and good plasticity at high temperatures.
出处 《动力工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期699-702,共4页 Power Engineering
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)资助项目(2007CB209803973)
关键词 镍基合金C276 高温拉伸试验 应力-应变 力学性能 Ni-based alloy C276 high temperature tensile test stress-strain mechanical property
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