Through the experiment of marching by inlaying a stalk of cucumber on root prunimg stock (the first method) in comparision with marching by inlaying a stalk of cucumber on stock (the second method) and with inlaying grafting a stalk of cucumber into stock (the third method), the results showed that the first method is superior to the second and the third method. The index of strong young-plant has increased by 14% in comparision with the second method and by 5. 1% with the third method. The root activity in seedling stage has increased by 9. 3% with the second method and by 9.1% with the third method.The weight of a cucumber has increased by 26. 5% with the second method and by 22. 8%with the third method. Early yield has increased by 15. 4% with the second method and by16. 4% with the third method. The tatal product has increased by 12. 4% with the secondmethod and by 13.1% with the third method. These figures indicate that there is a great difference between the firsr and the second method and also between the first and the thirdmethod. These differences have proved to be significant in terms of the veight per cucumberfruit, early product and total yield.
Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College
inarching by inlaying a stalk on root pruning stock
inarching by inlaying a stalk on stock
inlaying grafting a stalk into stock