
浅析欧洲空间政策 被引量:5

A Study on European Space Policy
摘要 空间科学研究在军事及经济方面的价值日益增大,欧洲国家相继联合或独立制定空间政策。2007年,欧盟委员会出台空间政策,强调欧洲必须更加努力以保护和改善其全球竞争能力,欧洲必须作为空间系统的领先者,作为空间领域一个不可或缺的国际伙伴,成为全球有关空间活动的倡导者,同时要为共同的外交与安全政策提供支持。因面临缺少统一管理机构、成员国彼此掣肘、缺乏资金以及工业政策支持的困扰,欧洲空间政策的执行存在诸多困难。 With the real and potential values of space science for military affairs and economy becoming increasingly greater,the European states have successively formulated their space policies independently or jointly with other countries. In the year of 2007,the EU Commission issued its own space policy,which emphasizes that Europe must take more efforts to protect and improve its globally competitive capability,that Europe must act as one of the leaders of the aero-system and an indispensable international partner,that it must make contributions to initiatives concerning activities in the space and that its space policy must provide support to the CFSP. However,the EU's space policy has encountered a number of difficulties due to lack of unified administrative authority,fund and support from the industrial policy and due to the conflicts between the member states.
作者 何奇松
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期119-129,共11页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 "上海政法学院课题SZ09012"研究成果
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