5Richard E Abel. Scholarly Publication: Books, Journals,Publishers, and Libraries in the Twentieth Century. John Wiley & Sons, Inc: 2002.
6Peter Suber. Removing the Barriers to Research: An Introduction to Open Access for Librarian. College & Research Library News, 64 (Feb. 2003): 92-94, 113. also: http:// www. earlham, edu/- peters/writing/acrl, htm 2004(4).
7Peter Suber. Where does the free Online Scholarship Movement Stand Today. http://www.earlham. edu/- peters/writing/ cortex. htm 2004(4).
8George Bittlinganayer. "open access": the ideal and the real. Telecommunication Policy 26(2002).
9Jan Velterop. Should scholarly societies embrace open access (or is it the kiss of death). Learned Publishing 2003(16).
10David C Prosser. From here to there: a proposed mechanism for transforming journals from closed to open access.Learned Publishing 2003(16).