
基于P2SP的流媒体技术的研究 被引量:1

Research on Streaming Media Based on Peer to Server&Peer
摘要 流媒体播放的传统方式是基于C/S集中式网络模式,如何解决流媒体在播放中高带宽、实时性和突发流量成为三大难题。P2SP技术采用分布式网络结构,融合了服务器模式和P2P两者的技术优势,很好的解决了网络带宽瓶颈等问题。 The traditional transmission way of streaming media is based on C/S mode. Three difficult problems is high-band-width, real-time traffic and burst flow in media streaming transmission. P2SP mode uses distributed network structure and combines the technical advantages of both server-based mode and P2P mode, so better solves bottleneck problem and other problems.
出处 《电脑学习》 2009年第4期107-108,共2页 Computer Study
关键词 P2SP P2P 流媒体 P2SP P2P Streaming Meida
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