目的:调查迎风流泪患者发病情况,并探讨其与干眼症的相互关系。方法:系列病例研究。对主诉为迎风流泪的患者进行临床分析,并行干眼症症状问卷调查、泪道冲洗、泪膜破裂时间(break-up time,BUT)试验、基础泪液分泌试验Ⅰ(SchirmerⅠtest,SⅠt)及角结膜荧光素(fluorescein,FL)染色观察。对临床资料进行分级,应用卡方检验,相关分析进行资料统计学分析。结果:136例272眼迎风流泪患者中干眼症的比例为64.0%,两者间呈正向直线相关;泪道通畅者占65.4%,泪道通畅程度与干眼症患病率无统计学意义;此外干眼症与年龄呈正相关,女性干眼症发病率较高。结论:迎风流泪可能是干眼症症状之一,对主诉为迎风流泪的患者应进行干眼症的常规检查。
AIM.To investigate the incidence of patients with tears in wind and explore its relationship with dry eye. METHODS: Series of cases were studied. The patients with the chief complaints as tears in wind were analysed including questionnaire of dry eye symptoms , lacrimal duct flushing, tear film break-up time BUT) test, basic tear schirmer Ⅰ test (S Ⅰ t) and fluorescein (FL) coloration of cornea and conjunctival. The clinical data was classified and analysed with chi-square test and correlation analysis. RESULTS: The ratio of dry eye in 136 patients (272 eyes) with symptom of tears in wind was 64. 0%, and norientation linear correlation showed between the symptom and the disease, The proportion of unobstruct lacrimal duct was 65. 4%. There was no significant difference between morbidity rate of dry eye and that of the lacrimal duct. In addition, there was positive correlation between dry eye and age. The incidence of dry eye was high for female. CONCLUSION: Tears in wind may be a probable symptom of dry eye. Routine dry eye examination for patients with chief complaints as tears in wind is necessary.
International Eye Science