
最新中国口岸医学媒介生物名录 被引量:11

List of Species Composition on the Latest Medical Vector at Chinese Frontier Ports
摘要 〔目的〕掌握国境口岸最新医学媒介生物种群组成情况,提高对媒介生物传出传入可能引发传染病的反应速度及控制能力。〔方法〕搜集公开发表的刊物和书刊的相关资料,进行整理、统计分析、核对、补充和完善。〔结果〕截止2006年底,共发现医学媒介生物11类(鼠、蚤、蚊、蝇、蜱、螨、蜚蠊、蠓、虱、臭虫、白蛉)760种,比1997年的11类,513种,新增250余种。〔结论〕医学媒介生物种群组成的研究,是口岸医学媒介控制的基础和重要组成部分,对控制医学媒介生物引起的传染病的传出或传入具有重大意义。 Objective It is designed to master the latest medical vector species composition of the frontier ports in order to accelerate the response speed and enhance the control ability on infectious diseases generated by the spread of vector biological. Method The latest published literatures and books on the related information are collected, analyzed, collated, supplemented and perfected. Result By the end of 2006, 760 kinds of medical vectors in 11 categories (rats, fleas, mosquitoes, flies, ticks, mites, cockroaches, midges, ticks, bugs, shadflies) have been discovered, with an increase of over 250 kinds, compared with 513 kinds in 11 categories in 1997. Conclusion The research of medical vector species composition is the foundation and an important part of the frontier ports medical vector control, which plays a significant role in controlling the entry or exit of the diseases caused by the spread of vector biological.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2009年第3期163-180,共18页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
基金 国家质量监督检验检疫总局科研基金项目(2004IK134-3.3)
关键词 中国口岸 医学媒介生物 种群 名录 Chinese ports Medical vectors Species List
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