简要介绍了华东电网正在推行的控制性能标准(control performance standard,CPS)/扰动控制标准(disturbance control standard,DCS),以及基于CPS/DCS的系统扰动控制性能评价及考核办法。提出在福建电网采用自动发电控制(automatic generation control,AGC)机组及非AGC机组按照正常速率或紧急速率自动调节,或采用人工调节相结合的DCS控制策略。建立了基于CPS/DCS的AGC控制策略中4个控制器之间的协调机制,并根据华东电网CPS/DCS考核结果对各控制器的控制修正系数进行优化。在福建电网EMS系统中完成了DCS控制策略及AGC控制策略的功能开发,最后通过福建电网实际发生的扰动对该策略进行了验证。
The control performance standard (CPS)/disturbance control standard (DCS) which are being carried out in East China power grid as well as the evaluation and assessment measures of CPS/DCS based system disturbance control perormance standard are briefly presented. It is proposed to adopt automatical regulation for automatic generation control (AGC) units and non-AGC units in Fujian power grid according to normal speed or emergency speed, or the DCS control strategies, which combine with artificial regulation. The coordination control among four controllers in CPS/DCS based AGC control strategy is built and according to the examination results by CPS/DCS in East China power grid the control correction coefficient of each controller is optimized. The function development of DCS control strategy and AGC control strategy are completed in the EMS of Fujian power grid. Finally, the proposed strategies are validated by actual disturbances in Fujian power grid.
Power System Technology