
单链抗体的制备及其应用 被引量:3

Preparation and application of the single-chain antibody
摘要 单链抗体由于分子质量小、穿透力强、半衰期短、特异性好和免疫原性低等特点,越来越引起学者的重视。本文就单链抗体的制备、表达及应用等方面作一综述。 Single-chain antibody had the characteristics of low molecular weight, powerful penetrability, short half- life period,fine speeificity and low immunogenieity.The preparation,expression and application of the single-chain antibody were reviewed.
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2009年第13期33-36,共4页 China Feed
关键词 单链抗体 制备 single-chain antibody preparation
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