
打造零事故的建筑安全文化 被引量:12

The Shaping of a Zero-incident Construction Safety Culture
摘要 在研讨安全文化和建筑安全文化内涵,分析国内外建筑安全文化研究与国内实施现状的基础上,研究了5家国际建筑企业的安全创新活动,包括:企业背景、方案、实施过程等。结合利害关系者原理、风险管理和安全知识管理,笔者提出:要实现安全行为,应注重塑造员工的安全信念、态度和承诺;应有高层管理人员强有力的支持,将整个建筑业供应链的利害关系者都纳入到安全管理中,风险管理和安全知识管理的运用可促进零事故安全文化的形成。同时提出构建在我国实现零事故的建筑安全文化的流程,即承认-启动-执行-监督-更新的步骤,给出了一种提高员工安全知识、坚定员工安全信念、塑造员工安全态度、形成安全行为并最终打造健全安全文化的整体策略。 This paper illustrates the concept of construction safety culture, reviews literatures both at home and abroad, analyzes the status quo of construction safety culture in China and then reviews safety initiatives and programs implemented by five international construction companies. For each case, the backgrounds, strategies, implementation process were examined. Combined with stakeholder theory, risk management and safety knowledge management, it was found that programs should be focused on shaping the beliefs, attitudes, and commitments of employees in order to achieve safe behavior on construction sites. It is also important to have strong top management commitment to safety, and that the programs extend the safety management to the entire supply chain and involve all stakeholders. Risk Management and knowledge management also contribute to shaping a zero incident construction safety culture. This paper also develops a procedure of ' owning-enabling-executing-controlling-sustaining'. Aimed at shaping a zero incident construction safety culture in China, it is suggested that a holistic strategy must be adapted, with focus on not only improving the physical working environment and employees'safety knowledge, but also on shaping employees' beliefs and attitudes which lead to safe behavior and ultimately to a strong safety culture.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期77-84,共8页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 建筑安全与节能教育部重点实验室(湖南大学)开放基金资助
关键词 建筑业 职业健康与安全 零事故 文化 风险 价值 construction occupational health and safety zero-incident culture risk value
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