
商务2.0 用搜索引擎做猎头

Business 2.0
摘要 职脉网(jobmet.com)的机房里安放着十几台普通PC搭建的服务器集群,加上外部托管的服务器,一共20多台机器。这些机器每天并行处理着庞大的数据运算量,它们都在做与求职应聘人才相关的信息的抽取、分类和匹配工作。这些机器内存储的数据和运行的程式,构成了职脉网相对所有猎头同行的一项杀手级武器——职场搜索引擎。 When the Internet search engine Google unveiled its Chrome Operating System on July 8,its aim to rival Microsoft becomes so clearer than ever before.In the past five years,the dot-com company has approached nearly every corner on the net,even those having nothing to do with its search business,let alone a lucrative market like the online business market.Like solving a jigsaw puzzle,the complete picture of Google is gradually taking shape with its various tools like Chrome,Gears,Android,etc.History and recent changes once again confirmed a rule-new business models based on the new technologies and productions will replace the old ones;and those who laugh last are the ones that occupy larger market shares in the most profitable and have the strong power.All business successes follow the rule:either making products with special attractions,or enjoying the monopoly pricing rights in a sector.Reviewing the past decade of the Internet development,no website was able to profit with basic functions like search engine,virtualization,or social media.They depended on third-party payments like advertisement.But unfortunately,this model will soon come to its end and online business will replace online games and advertisements to become the most promising market.The era of online business is arriving.New applications,rooted in the basic functions,will bring an opportunity for the Internet companies having invested in infrastructures to profit directly from products.And the infrastructures will lead the companies to the business market with great prospects.
作者 成远
出处 《IT经理世界》 2009年第14期42-43,8,共2页
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