泰国舞花姜(Globba winittiC.H.Wright),姜科舞花姜属,热带多年生或宿根性根茎类花卉。其花序造型十分奇特,苞片颜色艳丽,花期较长,抗病能力强,容易栽培,适合作切花、盆栽、花坛和庭园栽培。介绍了泰国舞花姜的生长习性和相关的栽培技术。
Globba winitti C. H. Wright originated from Thailand, it belongs to Globba of Zingiberaceae, and is a kind of tropic perennial rhizome type flower. The showy bracts of hanging inflorescences have many bright colors ranging from white, pink, mauve purple to deep purple with yellow tiny true flowers suspended, it has long flowering period and strong disease resistance, and it can be easily cultivated and adapts to be used as cut flowers, potted plants, flower beds or cartilage culture. This article introduced the growth habit and culture techniques of C^obba winitti, including the preparation of soil or medium, propagation, transplanting, fertilization, watering, pruning, disease and insect pests control, and so on.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi