Following Ben-Artzi and LeFloch, we consider nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws posed on a Riemannian manifold, and we establish an L1-error estimate for a class of finite volume schemes allowing for the approximation of entropy solutions to the initial value problem. The error in the L1 norm is of order h1/4 at most, where h represents the maximal diameter of elements in the family of geodesic triangulations. The proof relies on a suitable generalization of Cockburn, Coquel, and LeFloch's theory which was originally developed in the Euclidian setting. We extend the arguments to curved manifolds, by taking into account the effects to the geometry and overcoming several new technical difficulties.
Following Ben-Artzi and LeFloch, we consider nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws posed on a Riemannian manifold, and we establish an L1-error estimate for a class of finite volume schemes allowing for the approximation of entropy solutions to the initial value problem. The error in the L1 norm is of order h1/4 at most, where h represents the maximal diameter of elements in the family of geodesic triangulations. The proof relies on a suitable generalization of Cockburn, Coquel, and LeFloch's theory which was originally developed in the Euclidian setting. We extend the arguments to curved manifolds, by taking into account the effects to the geometry and overcoming several new technical difficulties.
supported by the A. N. R. (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) through the grant 06-2-134423 entitled "Mathematical Methods in General Relativity" (MATH-GR)
by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
supported by the grant 311759/2006-8 from the National Counsel of Technological Scientific Development (CNPq)
by an internation project between Brazil and France