
SAR图像二维旁瓣自适应抑制技术 被引量:1

An Adaptive 2D Sidelobe Suppression Technique for SAR Image
摘要 在分析SAR图像二维旁瓣特性的基础上,提出了二维可分离自适应旁瓣抑制(ASR)方法,其原理是沿着旁瓣出现的方向进行抑制。该方法能够有效抑制超宽带SAR图像中的非正交旁瓣和斜视SAR图像中的旋转旁瓣。本文所提的二维可分离ASR的旁瓣抑制性能略优于传统的二维联合ASR的性能,且算法效率更高。仿真和实际数据处理结果验证了本文的结论。 A separable 2-dimensional Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction (ASR) technique is presented after analyzing the characteris- tics of sidelobes in SAR image. The principle of the technique is to suppress the sidelobe along its lying directions. The technique can efficiently lower the nonorthogonal sidelobes in Ultra-Wide Band SAR image and the rotated sidelobes in squint SAR image. The performance of the separable 2D ASR is slightly superior to that of the jointly 2D ASR. Additionally,the former is computational more effective. Simulation and real image processing performance validate the separable 2D ASR.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1108-1114,共7页 Journal of Signal Processing
关键词 非正交旁瓣 旋转旁瓣 自适应旁瓣抑制 Nonorthogonal Sidelobe Rotated Sidelobe Adaptive Sidelobe Reduction
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