本文以伯氏疟原虫 K173株血液裂殖体为模型,采用“4天试验法”,观察比较了腹腔攻虫和静脉攻虫两种不同感染途径及以组为单位取定量血混合后涂片和单个鼠血分别涂片镜检对药物效价的影响。结果表明腹腔攻虫和静脉攻虫,取定量血混合后涂片镜检和单个鼠血涂片镜检所测得的数据相近,对药效评价无明显影响。腹腔攻虫取定量血混合后涂片比静脉攻虫单个鼠涂片易于操作、省时、可提高工效4倍左右。
A simplified procedure of“4-day suppressive test”for determination of antimalarial eff- ective doses was compared parallelly with the ordinary method to study whether there was any difference in their results.In the ordinary method,mice were challenged intravenously with Plasrnodiurn berghei (K173 strain) infected RBC and the parasitemia level was read from the blood smears made from individual animal,while in the simplified procedure the infected RBC was inoculated intraperitoneally and the parasitemia level read from a pooled blood smear of a dose group.The ED_(50) and ED_(90) of several antimalarial drugs determined by the simplified procedure showed no significant difference from those determined by the ordinary method.The simplified procedure was about four times more efficient.
Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences