本文强调要看好天然气是实现 城市舒适化必不可少的洁净能源这个形势,疾呼要抓住天然气供气这个天赐良机,从而我们就能跨入天然气的新时代,文章首先介绍我国天然气的大好形势,接着谈到天津市天然气的形势,最后有的放矢地提出急待完成的十大任务。
This paper emphasises that natural gas is neat and necessary energy for city comfort, strictly demands to seize this godsend chance. Thus, we can enter new epoch of utilization of natural gas. This paper also introduces excellent situation of our country and Tianjin. Finally it proposes ten tasks to be completed.
Tianjin Construction Science and Technology