

A Response of the Synchronization of the Intercellular Calcium Oscillations to Electromagnetic Field
摘要 目的:研究电磁场对多细胞系统(三个细胞)钙振荡同步性的影响。方法:基于肝细胞动力学模型,以胞间耦合和电磁场引起的细胞三磷酸肌醇(IP3)浓度的变化作为影响因子,采用数值分析的方法,研究电磁场的频率、强度对钙振荡的影响。结果:细胞差异性导致钙振荡的不同,在相同的耦合因子下,细胞数不同导致钙振荡形式存在差异;胞间耦合影响多细胞钙振荡的同步性。结论:电磁场的频率、强度(调制因子)引起钙振荡的频率和幅值发生变化。 objective: To study the influences of the synchronization between the cell system and the electromagnetic field. Methods: Based on the model of intercellular calcium oscillations in hepatocytes, the synchronization were analyzed by the numerical method where the concentration change of IP3 was aroused by electromagnetic field was infection factor. Results: The different cells will result in the different calcium oscillation behavior. The cell number and the coupling between cells will influence the calcium oscillations synchronization. Conclusions: The frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic field will result in the change of the frequency and amplitude of the calcium oscillation.
出处 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2009年第4期1331-1334,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
基金 咸阳师范学院重点资助科研项目(No.06XSYK113)
关键词 同步性 钙振荡 电磁场 synchronization calcium oscillation electromagnetic field
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