Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is associated with breast cancer closely. It is shown that patients with AITD, especially those with lower free T4 , are prone to having breast cancer. The positive rate of thyroid antibody is a distinguishing marker between benign with malignant nodules, and also a marker of the breast cancer prognosis. Thyroid uhrasonography can help to diagnose AITD in patients with breast cancer,also to predict the prognosis of breast cancer. The mechanisms of breast cancer accompanying with AITD are unclear, maybe include some common physiological bases in thyroid and breast, such as iodic transfer (sodium iodide symporter, NIS),the effect of TRH and part anterior pituitary hormones;deficiency of iodide;immune abnormalities representing by chemokine CXCL10. It is suggests that radioiodine( targeting NIS in breast) and some immune drugs(targetlng Ras and CXCLIO/CXCR3)hold promise for the new treatment of breast cancer.
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism