

Camera Records of Asian Dust Events in Eastern Asia during 2005-2008
摘要 地处亚洲东部的中国长春,蒙古乌兰巴托和日本鹿儿岛,作为亚洲沙尘暴的地面监测站点,用数码相机全自动定时拍摄记录天空的数字照片,通过分析数字照片数据上像素点的信息和建筑的能见度,来判断沙尘暴事件的发生及强度。对比分析了2005年-2008年冬春季节数字监测数据与NOAA,MT-SAT和Terra,Aqua/MOD IS的卫星遥感图片以及其他相关沙尘天气的报道。在监测的图片数据上,持续1-2天的强沙尘暴天气能够被清楚的识别,轻度的沙尘天气与云量较多的天气较难区别。 Interval recordings of sky images by digital cameras have been made at three locations in eastern Asia, i. e. , Changchun in northeast China, Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, and Kagoshima in southwest Japan, so as to see the transmission of Asi- an dust through the changes in the sky color and the decreases in visibility. The results in the springtime during 2005 -2008 are compared with the images of meteorological satellites NOAA, MTSAT and Terra, Aqua/MODIS, and other information on dusty air. Many heavy dust events are clearly seen in the series of the images lasting for a day or two, while light or dispersed events are difl3cult to distinguish from cloudy scenes.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2009年第4期46-49,共4页 Environmental Science and Management
关键词 数字照片 沙尘暴 RGB分析 能见度 digital camera, sandstorm, RGB analysis, visibility
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