
天然抗冻剂在水产品中的应用研究 被引量:9

Research on application of natural cryoprotectant in aquatic product
摘要 水产品水分、蛋白质含量高,容易腐败变质,目前广泛采用冷冻的方式进行长期贮藏。然而冻藏过程中,蛋白质容易发生冷冻变性,从而造成肉质持水能力下降,影响品质。本文通过对水产品蛋白质冷冻变性机理的阐述,总结出防止水产品蛋白质在冻藏过程中变性的方法,即添加天然抗冻剂,如多聚磷酸盐、糖类、乳酸钠、水溶胶等。 Aquatic products were easy to corrupt because of the high H2O and protein content and the protein denaturation occurs frequently during frozen storage,which results in descending of water-holding capacity and thereby influences the quality.This article illustrated the freeze-denaturation mechanism of aquatic product, and summarized the methods to prevent protein denaturation,of which natural cryoprotectant adding was efficient.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期329-333,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 冷冻变性机理 检测指标 天然抗冻剂 freeze- denaturation mechanism index natural cryoprotectant
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