跨越水池的生物力学分析 在蹬离横木瞬间,眼睛要盯住距水池远端边缘30厘米处的着地点。脚着地时,用几乎是直腿的膝关节和踝关节下压进行支撑,此时,身体重心应位于支撑腿上方而不是在它的前面。起跨腿超过支撑腿后,用一个小步跑出水池。臂的动作对腿的节奏起平衡作用。在体侧的摆臂有助于保持平衡。
Clearing the water jump: biomechanical aspects At the moment of take-off, the eyes focus on the landing spot, about 30cm short of the far end of the water jump. On landing, the knee and ankle of the almost straightened le lower to support the jump, where the center of gravity should lie over the leg and not in front of it. The trail leg passes the landing leg, lands and takes a small first slride out of the water jump. The arm action counterbalances the rhythm of the legs and, held out at the side of the body, the arms help to keep balance. During the whole action, the shoulders and hips remain facing squarely forwards in the direction of movement.
Track and Field