针对传统造纸烘缸设备暴露出诸多的不足,利用SIEMENS S7-200系列PLC设计了中频电磁感应烘缸。经过调试运行,电磁感应烘缸完全可以满足生产工艺的要求,运行稳定,节能效果明显,可以作为传统烘缸的替代产品,有广阔的市场前景。本文从感应加热电源的原理、烘缸的设计及PLC硬件、PLC软件及控制算法等几个方面来对整个系统进行阐述。
Aiming at various shortcomings existing in the traditional dryer for paper production, an IF electromagnetic induction heated dryer is designed utilizing Siemens S7-200 series PLC. Through adjustment and commissioning it is found that the dryer can satisfactorily meet the requirements of production process, and features stable operation and significant energy saving. It can be used as the substitute product of traditional dryer, and has broad market prospect. This article describes the whole system from the principles of induction heating, the design of dryer, to PLC hardware, PLC software, and control algorithm.
Electronic Technology