
基于图像技术的多刃钻尖参数的测量及应用 被引量:2

Application of Image Technology on Measuring Parameters of Multifacet Drill Point
摘要 提出了一种基于图像技术的多刃钻尖参数的非接触测量方法;介绍了利用CCD图像的多刃钻尖参数测量系统;调整工作台和钻尖的相对位置,通过CCD拍摄钻尖图像,对钻尖原始图像进行预处理,包括图像灰度化、滤波、二值化、边缘检测;经过Hough变换检测得到钻尖外刃的图像轮廓和钻尖圆弧刃的图像轮廓,再利用最小二乘法对钻尖外刃和圆弧刃的图像轮廓进行拟合,通过定标计算后,从而得到所测参数结果。并对测量精度进行了分析。试验结果表明,该检测系统运行稳定可靠,检测精度高,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。 A non--contact measurement method for parameters of drill point based on image technology is put forward. The non--con tact measurement system for parameters of drill point using image measurement technology is introduced. Adjust the relative position between drill point and work platform. Through the use of CCD eameorder to take pictures, In the processing of pretreatment, such as image graying, filtering, segmenting the image to bivalue image and edge detection. The Hough transform to be used to extract the image edge, and the method of least square is used for boundary fitting. After the calibrate calculation, the parameters of drill point can be gained. The measurement precision is analyzed. The application shows that this system runs stably and accurately. The technology and methods adopted in the system are practical and worthy of using abroad.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1270-1272,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
关键词 图像测量 HOUGH变换 定标 边缘检测 刀具检测 image measurement, hough transform, calibration, edge detection, tool detection
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