
基于XML多重数字签名方案的设计与应用 被引量:2

Design and Application on Multisignature Scheme of XML-based
摘要 XML数字签名是W3C和IETF于2002年共同提出的草案,它为任何数据提供了完整性、消息认证、以及签名者认证服务,可以应用于任何数据对象(包括XML文档和二进制数据)。Java XML数字签名编程接口是XML数字签名的一个标准接口,它定义在JSR105规范中,并在最近发布的Java SE6中得到实现。本文基于Eric Jui-Lin Lu的签名方案,利用Java XML编程接口,设计XML多重签名方案;提高了签名的效率和灵活性,具有一定的可扩展性。 XML Digital Signature was established as a formal version of W3C and IETF recommendations in 2002. It provide a way to ensure the integrity, nonrepudiability of the message, and authenticity, can be applied to data of any type,include XML or binary. The Java XML Digital Signature API is a standard Java API for generating and validating XML Signatures. It was defined under the Java Community Process as JSR105, and the release of Java SE6 contains an implementation. In this paper, by utilizing the Java XML Digital Signature APIs and Eric Jui-Lin Lu's scheme, a muhisignature scheme is designed and realized. The efficiency and flexibility is improved through signing the rules of the transform, and the expansibility can be obtained to some extent.
机构地区 成都理工大学
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第21期62-64,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 XML数字签名 多重签名 JAVA XML数字签名编程接口 Java规范请求 XML Digital Signature Multisignature Java XML Digital Signature APIs JSR
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