
外来入侵植物与地下生态系统相互影响的研究进展 被引量:12

Recent Advances in the Interaction between Invasive Plants and Belowground Ecosystem
摘要 生物入侵已成为世界性的生态、经济问题,是人类当前面临的巨大挑战。作为入侵生物中一个重要组分的外来入侵植物,其入侵不仅改变了入侵地地上植物群落的多样性,而且对入侵地的地下生态系统也产生了深刻影响。国内外的生态学家对于外来植物的入侵虽已提出多个机制假说,但真正机理还未明确。近年来兴起的外来入侵植物与入侵地土壤生态过程相互影响的研究为外来植物入侵机理的揭示提供了新思路。从两个方面综述了近年来对外来入侵植物与入侵地地下生态系统相互作用的研究结果:(1)入侵植物与入侵地土壤微生物的相互影响:外来入侵植物可通过破坏土著植物与土壤微生物间的共生关系、分泌化感物质影响入侵地微生物群落结构和功能、逃避原产地土传天敌、改变入侵地的微生物群落结构进而间接改变土壤养分循环等途径实现入侵;(2)入侵植物与入侵地土壤养分的相互影响:主要是入侵植物与入侵地土壤氮、磷、钾等几种大量元素及其他元素之间的相互作用。在综述国内外研究的基础上,探讨了外来入侵植物入侵机理研究中存在的问题及未来的研究方向,以期为外来植物入侵的预防、控制与生境恢复提供依据。 The invasion of non-indigenous plants threatens the integrity of natural ecosystem and annually causes serious economic losses worldwide. Though several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the plant invasion, the mechanistic bases of the invasiveness of alien plants and invisibility of invaded communities are not well understood. For decades, the interactions of exotic plants with components of native ecosystem have focused on aboveground flora and fauna and neglected the interactions with belowground soil microbes and nutrient availability. With the development of biological invasion research, people have found soil microorganisms and nutrient cycling are closely connected with aboveground plant community and feedback exists among them. In this paper, we review some of recent research and ideas about the interaction between invasive plant species and underground ecological processes, concerning two aspects: (1) the interaction between invasive plants and soil microorganisms, approaches employed by exotic plants to invade successfully: degrading mutualism between native plants and soil microbe, affecting the structure and function of microbial community through allelopathy, escaping native soil-borne enemy, indirectly changing nutrient cycling with altered microbial community and the invasion facilitated by indigenous microbe. (2) The interaction between exotic plants and soil nutrient such as nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), potassium (K) and other nutrient elements. We propose that information gathered from previous research would have important implications for the restoration of native ecosystem.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第14期246-251,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金"从入侵杂草化感武器的破解途径入手研究外来杂草入侵系统的恢复途径及其机理"(30860066) 海南省自然科学基金"利用化感作用研究控制热区果园主要入侵杂草的新途径"(30612) 中国热带农业科学院博士启动基金
关键词 入侵植物 土壤微生物群落 土壤养分循环 作用机制 invasive plants, soil microbial community, nutrient cycling, mechanisms
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