The masterpiece of The Wild Duck, through various artistic methods with features and by means of self-reflection and various forms of elenchus. His ideas embodied in The Wild Duck can be generalized as a throe - level green thinking. Firstly, at the level of the plot and character relationship, the story about Ekdal and his son who were cheated and oppressed by Old Werle criticizes the social unjustice, while the story about Grogers' s exposition of the secret causing Hedvig' s suicide reflects the dramatist' s spirit of self - examination and his idea that impracticable ideal might lead people to crisis in reality. Secondly, at a higher level, the quarrels between Grogers and Relling demonstrates the dramatist' s new understanding about how to be a truth-tell man and how to resist lies of life while avoiding disrupting people' s normal life. In the third place, observed from the symbolic quality of various characters and the referent possibility of symbols like forest, wild duck and photograph taking, as well as from the ironic rofution in this play.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
The Wild Duck
Green Interpretation