The variety bpO consists of those algebras (L; ∧,∨, f,* ) of type 〈2,2,1, 1,0,0〉 where (L; ∧,∨, f, 0, 1) is an Ockham algebra, (L; ∧,∨, *, 0, 1) is a p-algebra, and the operations x → f(x) and x → x^* satisfy the identities f(x^*) = x^** and [f(x)]^* = f^2(x). In this note, we show that the compact congruences on a bpO-algebra form a dual Stone lattice. Using this, we characterize the algebras in which every principal congruence is complemented. We also give a description of congruence coherent bpO-algebras.
The variety bpO consists of those algebras (L; ∧,∨, f,* ) of type 〈2,2,1, 1,0,0〉 where (L; ∧,∨, f, 0, 1) is an Ockham algebra, (L; ∧,∨, *, 0, 1) is a p-algebra, and the operations x → f(x) and x → x^* satisfy the identities f(x^*) = x^** and [f(x)]^* = f^2(x). In this note, we show that the compact congruences on a bpO-algebra form a dual Stone lattice. Using this, we characterize the algebras in which every principal congruence is complemented. We also give a description of congruence coherent bpO-algebras.