Hilbert-Huang变换是由Norden E.Huang等人提出的一种适合分析非平稳时间信号的一种新的方法。这一方法尚处在发展阶段,在建立严密的理论和方法的完善方面还有很多未知。本文首先对这一方法作了介绍;然后针对算法中出现的一些问题给出改进;最后用改进的算法和原算法进行对比,说明利用改进法,能够更准确地获得固有模态信号且能更好保留原始信号中的瞬时频率成分。
The Hilbert-Huang transform is more suitable methods for analysing non-stationary data.It has been developed by Norden E. Huang and others. This method is the seedtime, and there are many unbeknown factors in developing exact theoretics. In this paper, firstly, the author introduce the Hilbert-Huang transform. Secondly, contraposing the problems that exist in the original arithmetic, the author put forward a modified method. Finally, the author contrasts the modified method and the original method, and demonstrates that using the modified method, people could gain more precisely IMFs which kept the character of instantaneous frequency of original signal's components.
Control & Automation