
袁昶的仕隐困境与“玄又玄”诗歌风貌 被引量:2

The Reclusive Predicament of Yuan Chang and the "Occult and Occult" Style of His Poesy
摘要 在诗歌审美分化愈益明朗的背景下,袁昶首次从历史文化资源中发掘出"惊四筵"和"适独坐"的文学观念,并通过自己的诗歌创作去实现"适独坐"的文学审美。"适独坐"在袁昶的诗中最起码包含两方面的内容:其一是乱世文人仕与隐的矛盾。袁昶一生徘徊于其中不能抉择,于是他通过各种途径营造"市隐"、"朝隐"、"吏隐"的境界,为自己安排一片休憩缓冲的家园。其二是仕隐的思想意蕴。袁昶的诗中山水与老庄并具,写景与玄理兼有,"玄又玄"是又一突出的特点。但是他的"玄又玄"不仅是老庄,而是老庄、理学、佛学甚至神仙思想兼而有之,又佐之考据学,从而呈现出驳杂深刻的状态。 As the diversification of the aesthetic taste for poetry became increasingly clear, Yuan Chang discovered from historical and cultural resources two distinct concepts of poesy: one aimed at "enchanting the audience" and the other pursued "enlightening the reader" ; in his own poetic practice, he tried to achieve the aesthetic taste of "enlightening the reader". In Yuan's poetry, the effect of "enlightening the reader" lies at least in the following two aspects. One is concerned with the difficult choice of whether to be an official or to lead the life of a recluse, a common dilemma faced by men of letters in troubled times. The difficult choice between the two placed Yuan in a lifelong predicament. In order to build himself a spiritual home as a buffer against the trouble, through different channels he created such images as "enjoying a reclusive pleasure while living in the city", "enjoying a reclusive pleasure while serving in the emperor's court", and "enjoying a reclusive pleasure while holding an official post". The other aspect is the implications in Yuan's thoughts on the reclusion and official career. His poetry is full of not only the descriptions of mountain and water but the thoughts of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi as well ; it is a combination of scenery descriptions and deep thoughts, featuring a clear "occult and occult" style. However, Yuan's "occult and occult" thought is not confined to those of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, but is a blending of the thoughts from Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism and even immortalism. Supported by enough textological evidence, his poetry displays a myriad of images and profound ideas.
作者 孙之梅
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期134-138,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 晚清诗歌 袁昶 仕隐 玄又玄 poetry of the late Qing Dynasty Yuan Chang reelusion in an official position occult and occult
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  • 1袁昶.渐西村人初集[M].避舍盖公堂:光绪二十年(1894).
  • 2袁肃,等.太常寺卿爽秋府君行略[M].上海:商务印书馆,光绪三十一年(1905).
  • 3..申报[N],1876-08-24.
  • 4樊增祥.樊樊山诗集[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,2004.
  • 5袁昶.毗邪台山散人日记[M].北京:学苑出版社,2006.
  • 6袁昶.袁忠节公遗诗[M].上海:上海时中书局,宣统元年(1909).











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