
加速川西北牧区畜牧业产业化进程的思考 被引量:1

Pondering on Accelerating the Industrialization Process of Animal Raising Enterprises at Northwestern Pastoral Regions of Sichuan Province
摘要 在草场“承包经营,有偿使用”责任制落实之后,牧区基本实现了畜草双承包责任制,极大地调动和发挥了广大牧户养畜与护草的双重积极性,促进了畜牧业的发展。但仍不能满足市场经济发展和畜牧业产业化的要求。必须从牧区生产实际出发,在保持牧区畜草双承包责任制长期稳定不变的前提下,以市场为导向,科技为依托,围绕牧业经济的主导产业、产品,实行多层次、多形式、多元化的优化组合,积极稳妥地发展各具特色的“龙”型产业体系,形成区域化布局、专业化生产、一体化经营、社会化服务、企业化管理的新型发展格局,加速川西北牧区畜牧业产业化的进程。 After the implementation of the systematic regulations of job responsibility based on the business management by contracts & those related operations with payback promise in pastoral district grassland affairs,basically we should realize the animal and grass managerial contracts, that firstly,We must bring every positive factor into play with higher energetics to make all the activities of the rural farmsteads to raise animal husbandry and protect grass planting and then promote the development of animal raising industries,but we still could'nt make us to the adopted in the socialized market economical development demands,as well as the needs wanted for us to walk onto the industrialization roads towards pastoral district animal raising industries. That is, then we could start en route practically to do this rural district producton.And also,for us to start from the practical point of view,and meantimely to maintain the contracted responsibility rules and regulations under the fixed and constant prerequisite for a long time duration, thus making the marketing rules as a guide;depending on science & technology;centering around the guiding enterprises and products of animal raising economy to put into practice for all the multi-layered,diversified and pluralistic,optimizational combinations to develop the diversified and typical ‘Dragon-style' enterprise system reliably in a safe and steady way.So that we might make a regional and meatimely overall arrangement,specialized productive system,an organically whole management,socialized serving businesses,and productively systemized animal raising industries conformed as according to a modern enterprised management.
作者 多嗄
出处 《四川草原》 1998年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Grassland
关键词 川西北牧区 畜牧业 产业化 措施 Northwestern pastoral regions in Sichuan,animal raising industry,industrialization
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  • 1胡自治.我国高寒地区草业的发展策略,见中国草地科学进展[M].北京:中国农业出版社,1998










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