Lotus Domino是一个跨平台的OA支持系统,由于对OA的需求是不断发展变化的,硬件和软件平台也在不断更新换代,就必然要出现迁移或者升级的问题。通过对苏州大学OA系统平移升级的详细介绍,阐述了把Domino应用从一台OS/400服务器移植到另一台OS/400服务器,并且把应用平台从Domino R5升级到Domino R8的实现过程,给后来者提供一些可以借鉴的经验。
Lotus Domino is a cross-platform support hardware and software platform has been replaced by upgrade. Based on the Suzhou University OA system of the OA system, because of the demand for OA is evolving, another, and they are bound to be there the issue of migration or upgrade details of translation, on the application of the Domino server from one OS/400 transplantation to another OS/400 servers, and application platform to upgrade from Domino R5 to Domino R8 realization process,to later provide some can learn from experience.
Journal of Soochow University Engineering Science Edition (Bimonthly)