
基于鲁棒滑模观测器的两关节柔性机械手控制 被引量:2

Control for a two-link flexible manipulator based on the robust sliding-mode observer
摘要 柔性机械手系统为非最小相位系统,当控制有界时,该特性阻碍其端点位移渐近跟踪期望轨迹.本文首先重新定义柔性机械手系统的输出,通过输入输出线性化,将系统分解为输入输出子系统和零动态子系统;然后提出一种用于观测柔性模态导数的鲁棒滑模观测器,使状态估计达到预期的指标,解决了柔性模态导数难以获得的问题;设计积分滑模控制策略,使输入输出子系统在有限时间收敛到零;选择适当的控制器参数,使零动态子系统在平衡点附近渐近稳定,从而保证整个系统的渐近稳定.本文提出的方法设计过程简单,易于实现.仿真结果证明了设计的有效性. Flexible manipulators system is a nonminimum-phase system. This characteristic hinders the asymptotic tracking of a desired tip trajectory with a bounded control input. The outputs of a a two-link flexible manipulator are redefined in dealing with this problem. First, the system is decomposed into input-output subsystem and zero dynamics systems by employing the input-output linearization, and then, a robust sliding mode observer is developed for generating the unmeasured derivative of the flexible modes. An integral sliding-mode control strategy is designed for the input-output subsystem to make them converge in a finite time. Moreover, the zero dynamics system can be asymptotically stable at the equilibrium point by properly adjusting controller parameters. Thus, the whole control system for the two-link flexible manipulator is guaranteed to be asymptotically stable. Furthermore, the control design procedure is simple and easy to be implemented. Simulation results validate the design.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期722-726,共5页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60474016)
关键词 观测器 柔性机械手 积分滑模 observer flexible link manipulator integral sliding mode
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