
中国缓速经济的表象及其成因分析 被引量:1

The Analysis on the Appearance of China's Slow-lasting Economy and its Causes
摘要 通过对宏观经济进行观察和分析,提出了中国缓速经济的新命题。从中国生产者价格指数、居民消费价格指数、货币流动性、进出口、国家财政收入能力等表象,判断现实存在的缓速经济趋势,指出资源环境基础与经济增长矛盾,保持经济高增长的内生性能量逐渐衰退,全球金融危机蔓延,中国经济周期性下降等是形成缓速经济的主要原因;指出我国应切实转变经济增长方式,全面刺激居民最终消费,扩大有效内需。 Upon the observation and analysis of the macro - economy, the issue of China's slow - lasting economy has been raised to suggest that it is beneficial and possible for China to realize the slowing quality increase. Representation of Chinese producer price index, consumer price index, the liquidity of currency, the import and export as well as the national financial revenue capability suggest a realistic trend in the current slowing economy. Main reasons which account for the trend include the contradiction between the resource and environment foundation, the gradually retarded endogenous increase which is supposed to keep the economy's rapid development; the wide spread global financial crisis and the periodical decrease of China's economy. It is suggested that the mode of China's economic increase be feasibly transformed and residents' gross consuming be overall stimulated to expand this internal demand.
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期61-64,共4页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 全国优秀博士论文专项资金资助(200449) 国家自然科学基金资助(50774092)
关键词 缓速经济 表象 成因 内需 slow - lasting economy the appearance its causes internal demand
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