

Study on the situation of infectious disease prevention and control in Sichuan earthquake-stricken towns in Pengzhou City,Sichuan Province
摘要 目的了解彭州市5.12地震后重灾镇传染病防控形势,为下一阶段防病对策提供依据。方法以典型抽样的方法抽取彭州市6个重灾镇的户籍人口及卫生人员。自行设计调查问卷,辅以现场考察和资料核对。调查内容包括群众的卫生知识与行为,防病意识、食品卫生情况、环境卫生状况,乡村医生对传染病常见症状体征的掌握情况和疫情上报意识。结果被访的13名卫生人员中,7人正确回答病人出现哪些症状应填报《地震灾区传染病(症状)登记表》。卫生人员对常见传染病症状体征回答的正确人数偏低,尤其对灾后常发生的痢疾、伤寒、甲肝等。地震灾害后灾区生活饮用水合格率62.43%。其中分散式供水,安置点供水合格率较低。全部被访者表示自己和家人生病时能够及时就医,11.21%选择自己服药,82.24%选择去医疗点,6.54%选择不做治疗。绝大多数家庭认为生活用水可以满足日常所需,自行消毒处理的占71.30%,基本掌握正确消毒方法。居住地周围十米内有蚊蝇孳生地的占42.28%,其中的90.38%经过消杀处理,3天内完成消杀工作的占83.72%。结论卫生人员有很强的传染病监测和报告意识,但对灾后常见传染病症状体征认知率偏低。受灾群众有比较好的主动防病意识,健康卫生行为率比较高,食品卫生、环境卫生有待进一步改善。 Objective To understand the situation of infectious disease prevention and control in towns of Peng- zhou City which were heavily stricken by the Sichuan earthquake, and to provide basis for further strategies. Methods Representative sampling was used to recruit residents and medical professionals in six towns. Survey with a self-designed questionnaire and field observation were conducted to collect information on hygiene knowledge and behavior, prevention awareness, food safety, environmental health, and the mastery level of village physicians about infectious disease diagnosis and related disease report. Results Seven out of thirteen surveyed medical professionals were able to answer the question of whether or not to complete and report the Earthquake-stricken Areas Infectious Diseases (Symptoms) Registry Form. The number of medical professions who answers the symptoms of infectious diseases was limited, especially for Dysentery, Ty- phoid, Hepatitis A. The qualification rate of domestic water was 62.43%, lowest in separate supply water and water pro- vided in temporary accommodation sites. All the participants said they or their family members could see physicians in time when getting illness, while 11.21% of them chose to take medicines by themselves, 82. 24% went to medical sites, and 6. 54% chose not to get any treatment. The majority of the participants said that water supply was enough for daily usage, and 71.30% were able to do the disinfection by themselves with correct methods. 42. 28% of living places had flies and mosquitoes within lO-meter distance. 90. 38% of the participants received environmental disinfection service, and 83.72% got it within three days. Conclusion Medical professionals had high awareness of disease surveillance and re- port, but had relatively less knowledge about infectious diseases. Residents had considerable awareness of disease preven- tion. Forming rate of health behavior was high. Both food safety and environmental health should be further improved.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2009年第7期501-503,514,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 地震 灾区 传染病 卫生人员 群众 Earthquake Earthquake-stricken areas Infectious diseases Medical professionals Residents
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