
大粒车前子中苯乙醇苷类化合物对树突状细胞的调控研究 被引量:6

Effects of phenylethanoid glycosides from seeds of Plantago asiatica on maturation of dendritic cells
摘要 目的:探讨大粒车前子中苯乙醇苷类化合物对小鼠骨髓来源树突状细胞(DCs)功能调节的影响,为进一步阐明大粒车前子的免疫调节活性提供依据。方法:采用细胞因子诱导法,从Balb/cj小鼠骨髓细胞贴壁分离获得单核细胞,加入含10%胎牛血清、10μg.L-1重组小鼠粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rmGM-CSF)及重组小鼠白细胞介素-4(rmIL-4)的RPMI1640完全培养基培养,在培养第6天,实验组加入车前子苯乙醇苷类化合物(10,50,100 mg.L-1),对照组加入RPMI 1640或LPS(1 mg.L-1),流式细胞仪检测DCs表面分子CD11c,CD86,MHC II和CD80的表达以及各组DCs吞噬功能的变化。结果:车前子毛蕊花苷和异毛蕊花苷能够提高DCs表面分子CD11c,CD86,MHC II和CD80的表达;空白组DCs的吞噬功能很强(45.39%),车前子毛蕊花苷和异毛蕊花苷组DCs吞噬功能都明显下降(分别为37.27%,30.40%,33.45%和40.15%,37.59%,31.07%)。结论:车前子苯乙醇苷类化合物能促进小鼠骨髓来源的DCs表型及功能的成熟。 Objective: To elucidate the immunomodulatory mechanism of phenylethanoid glycosides from the seeds of Plantago asiatica by testing its effects on the maturing of murine bone marrow derived dendritic cells (DCs). Method: Monocytes generated from bone marrow of Balb/cj mouse were cultured for 6 days in complete RPMI 1640 medium containing 10% FBS, rmGM-CSF and rmIL-4. 50 mg ~ L-1 acteoside or isoacteoside was added to cells on day 6 of culture for 24 h. The surface molecules expression level of DCs and their phagocytose ability were analysis by flow cytometry. Result: Both acteoside and isoacteoside could increase the ex- pression of CD11 c, CD86, MHC II and CDS0 on DCs surface. The ability of unstimulated DCs to uptake FITC-dextran was higher than that of phenylethanoid glycosides or LPS treated DCs. Conclusion: Both acteoside and isoacteoside could induce maturation of murine dendritic cells.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第14期1831-1834,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30660226) 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(IRT0540) 江西省教育厅2008年度科技项目计划项目(GJJ08056)
关键词 大粒车前子 苯乙醇苷类 树突状细胞 表型 吞噬功能 seeds of Plantago asiatica phenylethanoid glycosides dendritic cells phcnotype phagocytose
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