
基于用户经验反馈的Web Services可信度评测体系构建 被引量:4

Trust and reputation evaluation for Web services based on user experience
摘要 服务之间的可信度是Web Services推广和计价中必须考虑的一个问题。提出服务可信度的影响因素包括QoS可信度和用户对服务执行结果的满意程度。通过用户经验反馈,针对不同领域获取用户对相应服务的可信度评价量化值,并计算QoS的实际满足率,以此建立服务的可信度评测体系。针对QoS欺骗问题,通过定期QoS统计分析,及时进行QoS修正,保持服务的高可信度。通过在模拟系统中的试用,此可信度评测体系在持续欺骗服务实体和暂时性QoS失真情况下均较低为合理。 Trust and reputation are important to Web services. Short of trust and reputation evaluation, service providers and customers may not benefit from Web services. However, evaluation often puts emphasis on QoS. Actually, the factors of influencing service trust and reputation should include QoS and degree of customer satisfaction. Based on the consideration, the paper put forward trust and reputation evaluation system, which collected user feedback and computed meeting ratio of QoS. To avoid QoS cheating, QoS should be mended by results of QoS statistics. The simulation results indicate that it can make a reasonable evaluation of trust and reputation even on the conditions of fake services disturbance and QoS distortion.
作者 吴建斌 吕刚
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期2291-2292,2298,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 WEB服务 可信度 评价 服务质量 用户经验 Web services trust evaluation Quality of Service (QoS) user experience
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