目的:定量评估野战医疗所手术组现行技战术指标。方法:采用M edModel软件,根据现行野战医疗所手术组编成和工作流程,建立手术组工作流程仿真模型;根据不同的伤员通过量和手术率,设定每批到达手术伤员量,计算相应的术前组和手术组利用率。结果:术前组利用率低于手术组利用率;当昼夜手术伤员量为70例时,手术组利用率比较合理。结论:现行手术组人员编成不尽合理;利用仿真模型,从资源利用率入手,可以为卫勤机构保障能力的定量评估提供新的手段和方法。
Objective: To quantitatively evaluate the current technical and tactical indicators of the operation groups of the field aid station. Methods: According to the current constitution and doctrine of work flow and process at the operation groups of the field hospital, a simulation model of the operation groups are setup by using MedModel software. Different quantity of daily average wounded and operation rate are configured to compute the number of operations. The corresponding utilization rate of the preoperative preparation group and operation group under these various work loads are obtained and then compared by the model. Results: The utilization rate of the preoperative preparation group is lower than that of the operation group ; The utilization rate of the operation group is reasonable when the daily quantity of wounded required surgery is about 70. Conclusion : The current constitution of operation groups is unreasonable. The utilization rate of resources is a reasonable quantitative measurement of the medical treatment facilities by the using of simulation models.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army