Suxiaodi profile is at thewest bank of the Qiong Tailanriver, in the southern side ofMt.Tumul, Tianshan Moun-tains,The profile is charac-teristiced by the alternation ofLoess layers with bakedsoil Iayers. Based on theanalyses of the profile,some conclusions is made out bellow: 1. loess deposition inthis region at last began in7500 years B.P.2. The bakedsoil layer was the forest soilbefore it was producted bythe forest fire, The loesslayer and the baked soil layerrepresent the dry environmentand relative moist environment,respectively. The relative moistperiods in the scale of 10~3-10~2 years appeared around 6580,5730, 4810, 3545, and 715 yearsB. P and the relative moistperiod and the dry period thescale of in 10~3 years is dividedat 3500 years B.P. 3.The clim-atic fluctuations from 7000 to3500 years B.P. indicated theunsteadibility of the optemum.
Arid Land Geography