
Er-Yb共掺磷酸盐波导激光器中的Er-Yb能量传递研究 被引量:2

Er-Yb energy transfer in Er-Yb co-doped phosphate waveguide lasers
摘要 对Er-Yb共掺磷酸盐玻璃波导激光器进行理论研究,弄清Er-Yb能量传递的作用。利用重叠积分方法,对Er-Yb共掺系统的速率方程及激光器中信号光和泵浦光的传输方程进行求解,在980 nm的泵浦光作用下对光波导激光器中Er-Yb能量传递过程的影响做了详细研究,讨论了Yb-Er能量传递对激光器的增益和输出特性的影响。计算结果表明:Yb-Er能量传递对激光器的增益和输出功率的影响不明显。Yb^(3+)离子在Er^(3+)-Yb^(3+)共掺系统中起化解Er^(3+)离子"团簇"、提高泵浦效率的作用。 Er-Yb co-doped phosphate glass waveguide lasers are theoretically studied in order to understand the role of the energy transfer in Er-Yb co-doped system. The rate equations of Er-Yb codoped system coupled with the laser signal and pump photon flux equations are solved using overlapping integral method, the Er-Yb energy transfer processing is studied in detail, and the effects of Er-Yb energy transfer on the characteristics of waveguide lasers pumped by a 980 nm source are discussed. Numerical results demonstrate that effect of Er-Yb energy transfer (cross-relaxation factor) on the output power of laser is not obvious. Yb^3+ ions play the role of eliminating the "cluster " of Er^3+ due to high concentration and improving the pumping efficiency.
作者 陈海燕
出处 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期421-424,共4页 Chinese Journal of Quantum Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60777020) 湖北省自然科学基金(2008CDB317) 长江大学创新团队资助
关键词 激光技术 波导激光器 Er-Yb共掺磷酸盐玻璃 Yb—Er能量传递 laser techniques waveguide laser Er-Yb co-doped phosphate glass Er-Yb energy transfer
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