改革开放以来,现代港口建设取得长足进步,做出了历史性贡献,但与我国现代化和综合交通运输业战略发展要求相比,无须讳言,尚有相当的差距,特别是要建设有中国特色社会主义现代化,在加速“两个根本转变”中,当前港口内外面临着诸多深层次矛盾,困难和问题差距,其中包括: 1.货源不足 管理粗放 其直接原因:一是传统陆上腹地经济结构调整优化和国企改革到位,尚待时日,至少还需二、三年时间;二是港口对临港货源基地建设自觉性不高,货源自组、自协调供给能力不足;三是陆上货源不足,又缺少吸引海外中转货源政策支持力度;四是港口群体缺少功能互补,
The Chinese ports are marching towards modernization and have achieved major progresses. However, they are faced with numerous problems and difficulties at present. The Major Problems and Inadequacies Faced by Chinese Ports written by Su Deqin makes a comprehensive analysis from the perspectives of administration, functions, construction funds, human resources and staff quality, and internal and external environment of the ports.
China Ports