
雪卡毒素两种检测方法的比较研究 被引量:5

Comparative study of two methods for detection of ciguatoxins
摘要 目的建立雪卡毒素的细胞毒性试验检测和小鼠生物法检测方法,对比评价两种方法的优缺点。方法利用不同浓度的雪卡毒素标准品(P-CTX-1)结合乌苯苷和黎芦定处理小鼠神经母细胞瘤细胞(N-2a),研究和建立毒素剂量与细胞活性的毒性曲线关系式。同时,通过测定昆明系小白鼠的雪卡毒素半数致死剂量LD50和毒素剂量与小鼠死亡时间的关系方程式,建立小鼠生物法检测标准,再分别以两种方法对32份不同月份采集的鱼样品的毒素提取物进行检测,对两种方法检测结果做分析比较。结果细胞毒性试验法检测结果与小鼠生物法检测结果具有一定的相关性,但细胞毒性试验法检测雪卡毒素的检测灵敏度远高于小鼠生物法。结论细胞毒性试验检测法适用于大量样品的初步筛选方法,而小鼠生物法可作为雪卡毒素检测的重要参考方法。 Objective To establish a methods of cytotoxicity assay and mouse bioassay. Methods The toxicity eurvilinear relationship between the toxin dosage and cytoaetive was established by the use of toxin standard samples (P- CTX-1)in different concentration and conjugated Ouabain and Veratridine. At the same time,the detection standard of mouse bioassay was established through detecting the ciguatera toxin medial lethal dose LDS0 about Kunming mouse and the relation equation between toxin dosage and death time of Kunming mouse,in addition,the detection results of the two methods were explored by detecting toxin extractive from the 32 portions fish samples in different months. Results There was certain dependability between the detection results of cytotoxicity assay and the detection results of mouse bioassay, however,the sensitivity of cytotoxieity assay was better than mouse bioassay. Conclusion The detection methods of cytotoxicity assay is applicable to screen considerable samples preliminarily, nevertheless,mouse bioassay could be a kind of important reference method for detection of ciguatoxins.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2009年第8期1448-1450,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 广东省医学科研基金资助(A2008620) 深圳市科技计划项目资助(200602129)
关键词 雪卡毒素 检测方法 细胞毒性试验 小鼠生物法 Ciguatoxin Detection method Cytotoxieity assay Mouse bioassay
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