Z'gauge boson often appears in extended electroweak models. As a neutral gauge bosons, Z' mixes with electroweak bosons Z-γ, in mass and kinetic parts. A genera] effective Lagrangian with symmetry SU(2)L γ U(1) U(1)' is constructed to describe Z' physics, which includes three-body mass and kinetic mixings. Z' contributions to mass eigenvalues of electroweak gauge bosons and couplings to fermions have also been discussed.
Z'gauge boson often appears in extended electroweak models. As a neutral gauge bosons, Z' mixes with electroweak bosons Z-γ, in mass and kinetic parts. A genera] effective Lagrangian with symmetry SU(2)L γ U(1) U(1)' is constructed to describe Z' physics, which includes three-body mass and kinetic mixings. Z' contributions to mass eigenvalues of electroweak gauge bosons and couplings to fermions have also been discussed.