The spin-Hamiltonian parameters obtained from EPR studies of the VO^2+ ion in different diamagnetic host lattices are used to estimate the ground state wavefunctions. These are of dxy type with admixture of the excited states dx2-y2, dyz and dxz. The hyperfine interaction parameter and Fermi contact term for the VO^2+ doped crystals are determined using the coefficients of the ground state. The various parameters are correlated to the ligand properties of the complexes.
The spin-Hamiltonian parameters obtained from EPR studies of the VO^2+ ion in different diamagnetic host lattices are used to estimate the ground state wavefunctions. These are of dxy type with admixture of the excited states dx2-y2, dyz and dxz. The hyperfine interaction parameter and Fermi contact term for the VO^2+ doped crystals are determined using the coefficients of the ground state. The various parameters are correlated to the ligand properties of the complexes.