
侧柏叶红外指纹图谱共有峰率和变异峰率双指标序列分析法 被引量:15

Common and Variant Peak Ratios in IR Fingerprint of Cacumen Platycladi with Dual-Index Sequence Analysis
摘要 利用共有峰率和变异峰率两个指标,以不同侧柏叶样品的红外指纹图谱为标准,计算出所测样品相对于标准品的共有峰率和变异峰率。按照共有峰率的大小,建立了不同的共有峰率和变异峰率双指标序列方法。分析结果显示,产地相同或相近的G1与G8之间、G4与G2G6之间有很高的共有峰率(均≥90.0%)和很低的变异峰率(均≤11.1%);相近产地不同年份的G10与G3G4、G5之间共有峰率均<50%、变异峰率均>50%;产地相距较远的G2与G7的共有峰率<50%、变异峰率>50%。该方法可以准确地区分不同产地、批次的侧柏叶。利用共有峰率和变异峰率双指标序列分析法可以对两个或多个中药样品进行方便可靠的鉴别,克服了多种中药鉴别方法只能进行真伪鉴别、产地鉴别的局限性,为中药质量的准确评价提供了一种新方法。 To establish a new method to analyze IR fingerprint, which is in line with the characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine, two indexes, common peak ratio and variant peak ratio, were applied and their values were calculated by means of sequential analysis, in which each Cacumen platycladi sample's IR fingerprint spectra were set up and the common peak ratio sequences were arranged in the order of size in comparison with other samples. The analytical results showed that samples G1 and G8 from the same region, and G4, G2 and G6 from the closer regions were the most similar samples with higher common peak ratio (≥90. 0%) and lower variant peak ratio (≤11.1%). However, the samples G10, G3, G4 and G5 from the closer regions col- lected in different years, and G2 and G7 from the farther regions, were of significant disparity with common peak ratio less than 50% and variant peak ratio larger than 50%. As a result, the method could be used to distinguish Cacumen platycladi of different areas and batches. The dual index sequential analysis enables us to distinguish two or more herb's LR fingerprints, is a new method to analyze IR fingerprint spectra, and can be used in line with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期2092-2095,共4页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家"十一五"科技攻关项目(2006BAI09B06-02)资助
关键词 侧柏叶 红外指纹图谱 共有峰率 变异峰率 双指标法 序列分析 Cacumen platycladi IR fingerprint Common peak ratio Variant peak ratio Duel index Sequential analysis
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