
历史时期塔里木盆地沙漠化探讨 被引量:12

摘要 历史时期塔里木盆地的沙漠化过程主要以两种形式表现出来,一是(主要的)河流下游三角洲古代绿洲土地的丧失和沙漠化;二是塔克拉玛干沙漠移动蚕食洪积一冲积平原下部古绿洲的边缘土地。成书于战国前后的《禹贡》有“东渐于海,西被于流沙……”之说。 The Taklimakan Desert used to be called 'Euicksand' two thousand yearsago, and it was named 'Tulunqi' in the Sui and Tang Dynasty periods.In their being's time, it already existed the desertificational environmenaround the Gulon State (it was named Shanshan State after that) in thelower reaches of Tarim River, the Chiemo State, an one time state calledQuluoluo in the lower reaches of Andir River, the former site of the JingjueState in the lower reaches of Niya River, the Yumi State between the lowerreaches of Keliya River and the lower reaches of Dama Valley, the Quakspilin East Yuzhou State of the Hetian River Valley, the Euojayi City of theTang Dynasty in Pishan and so on.Some of the installations, the measuresof utilizing nature and something like this in the ancient oasis were directedagainst the aridity, wind and sand.It was mainly because the River changedits course and the water decreased in the lower reaches and even runningdry, those ancient oases led to be aboundoncd due to their losig the livingconditions gradully. 'Sands formed on the spot' and the intruding dunesgradually made the oases which had been abandoned desertificational (espe-cially the oases in the enter of desert surrounded by sands). The ancientoases in the middle and higher reaches of Tarim River have gone throughthe course of salinization to desertification.According to the preliminary estimation, the areas of deserticationalsoil formedin Tarim Rasin during this two thousand years are 28266 km^2. and30.3 percent of them formed in the last hundred years.Looking into the course of desertification of the southern fringe ofTarim Basin in historical period, we find the Han and Jin Dynasty, the Songand Yuan Dynasty, and the 1950e'end to the 1970s' end are the periods ofexpanding rapidly of desertification. Acceleration of the desertification bef-ore finding our state still related to the war of massacring people, destroying irrigation system, pestilence and something like this.The desertificationafter the founding of our country is inseparable from ignoring the protect-ing of peripheral environment of oases in utilizing and distributing waterresources and cutting the desert vegetions with plunder.Large-scale 'moving south and expanding north' has never happaned overthe Taklimakan Desert in historical period.The diluvial on the southern andtonrthern fringe of desert,the oasis in the middle and rear parts of the allu-vial plan, the central place of the oasis along the middle and lower reachesof river have not changed too much in historical period.Aside from some sections of south on the 'Silk Road' moving forth quic-klly and expanding south with some kilometers due to the low and short mo-ving dunes, the places of the most part of the Road just changed a bit.Sin-ce the middle and lower reaches of Tarim River changed its route frequent-ly and had the trend of moving north, the north way of the 'Silk Road'also moved north.Judging from the course of desertification in historical period, a socialenvironment with stability and unity and a structure of putting resources inarid zone to rational use are conducive to avoiding the expanding of deserti-fication.
作者 周兴佳
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1989年第1期9-18,共10页 Arid Zone Research
关键词 历史时期 塔里木盆地 沙漠化 Hisforcal Period Tarim Basin, Deserfificafion
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