
金融危机对非洲发展的影响 被引量:4

The Impact of the International Financial Crisis on African Development
摘要 国际金融危机对非洲政治和经济产生了深远的影响。它不仅加大了非洲国家政局不稳和社会动荡的风险,而且凸显了非洲经济结构单一,资金短缺等弊端,加剧了非洲经济增长的波动性和脆弱性。面对金融危机的冲击,非洲各国正在积极应对。它们在动员国内和区域力量进行自救的基础上,力争通过南南合作,减少负面影响。中非经贸合作的环境有所恶化。但非洲国家对中国发展经验的青睐,对发展政策与重点的调整,为中国企业拓展对非经贸合作提供了难得的机遇。 The current international financial crisis has already brought about profound impact on politics as well as economy in Africa. Confronted with the impact of such a crisis,the African countries are making great efforts to cope with it.Though the environment for further development of Sino-African trade relations is deteriorating,the African countries have been eager to learn from the Chinese development experience and busy with adjustment of their policies and development priorities,all of which provides a rare opportunity for the Chinese enterprises to expand their business cooperation with the African countries.
作者 姚桂梅
出处 《亚非纵横》 2009年第4期32-37,共6页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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